Nikolay Zyuzev on bad news about Russia

ISCSC 2022 Conference Photos 4 of 4

 Ksenia and Nikolay

Nikolay Zyuzev and Ksenia Zyuzeva, Canada

Peter Hecht presenting on the Crusades

Linda Drake with Peter at the Jersey shore

Peter Hecht with wife Kimberly Helmert

Stephen Satkiewicz getting the Wilkinson Award from Lynn 

Robert Bedeski

Stephen Satkiewicz presenting to the assembled

Robert Bedeski presenting, also Prez of APHA

Tina Williams, former chief for Cal Parks System and SUPER aide de camp

Tseggai Issac, presenting on Ethiiopian Civilizations

Vlad Alalykin-Izvekov

Banquet Assembly

Vlad and Stephen at their combined panel with dignitaries from UK and Ukraine

Business and board meeting

Stephen Satkiewicz presenting on Strategic Studies